Calendar watership planner for mac
Calendar watership planner for mac

calendar watership planner for mac

But there needs to be some REAL, TANGIBLE measure indicating success. A deliverable could be an outline, a sketch (i.e., a writing sketch of a paragraph), a paragraph in a revised state. “M” and “S” would mean that I list the DELIVERABLE along with the quite specific description of the task. For me, “R” (relevant) would mean that a task is very clearly a strong link in the chain of getting me done with the writing. It turns out that the “R” and “M” in S.M.A.R.T.-goal setting are really important. The “R” (Relevant), the “M” (Measurable), and the “S” (Specific) So much for the “T” and “A.” I spent a few more moments thinking this through–what a S.M.A.R.T. For me, that would be HUGE: Experiencing flow while writing would be SO MUCH OF AN IMPROVEMENT over writing in such a way as to instigate/reinforce prewriting and revising aversion.

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On top of that, another benefit to this is that you would more reside in a state of (psychological) flow during writing, as discussed incredibly helpfully in the “ How To Stay Focused and Get Things Done” video presentation. And for the “A” in S.M.A.R.T.: what if you were to break down all of your larger goals into specific tasks such that every task you list could be completed in 25 minutes? You could maybe even challenge yourself by attempting 35 minutes worth of work per pomodoro: If you did THAT, perhaps then you would create inspiring challenges and create the experiencing of victory all along the way (instead of that constant “I’m-still-not-done-yet-with-my-big-overarching-goal” sensation of dread). methodology be 25 minutes (since it’s a pomodoro task and pomodoros are typically 25-minutes in length). task methodology: What if you let the “T” in the S.M.A.R.T. Here were my initial thoughts on blending the pomodoro technique with the S.M.A.R.T. The “T” (Time-bound) and the “A” (Attainable) However, I realized, I hadn’t been doing smart pomodoros, as in, literally, S.M.A.R.T. pomodoros. I had an epiphany one day about a likely, contributing explanation for why I was inadvertently hurting myself with my own work habits with the result of fostering writing aversion within myself: I’d been doing pomodoros (wisely, I felt, because it’s physically and mentally healthier than just working hour after hour after hour, and it gives you sometimes much-needed, true feedback about your rate of progress or lack thereof). Well, on second thought perhaps that wording is inaccurate: If this makes any sense, It’s prewriting and revising that I was averse to, and not writing per se.Īnyhoo 😉. I hope it inspires reflection or helps in some way.Īlso, I wanted to leave a message of encouragement that someone from an online forum shared with me to help you know that you can do whatever research/writing task that is before you (click on the image to enlarge it, for better viewing, in a new browser window):Ī few months ago I realized something about my work habits: Instead of instigating writing addiction (see Bolker), in contrast the way I was working was instigating/reinforcing writing aversion. I just submitted 105 pages and received the comment “excellent scholarship.” Yay!īefore diving back into thesising, I thought I’d take 15 minutes to come here to WordPress, choose one of the draft blog posts that I never published, edit it, and publish it.īelow are the results of that endeavor. The author has some downloads at her own web site that are PHENOMENAL, though. But I’ve done well and “sat on” many others, such as this one …hd-research-2/.

calendar watership planner for mac

(It’s a product documentation manual)! Somewhat of a hard link to “sit on” if it will help anyone. journey and I’m getting an education from the material! So strange. NOTE: I was tempted to skip over reading the Table of Contents item 2 (on how the product works), but it’s really insightful in general about this topic.Īnyway, I’ve done pretty well at resisting posting (I’m on a hiatus from too much blogging so that I can concentrate on finishing my thesis), but I truly felt that this information is so germane to the MA, MS, PhD, etc. Insightfully, insightfully done, IMO.Here’s a link to the documentation manual’s home page.

calendar watership planner for mac

Goes from discussing the mechanism of having valued goals all the way down to the details of how to design and work through the process a goal requires.

calendar watership planner for mac

How random and strange: It was an off-topic item that showed up in my google search for something else entirely.In my opinion, the site’s content is really, really worth a read if you want to evaluate or think a little more deeply about how you operate to stay on a path you want and how you get things done. The above link (to a subpage of a product’s documentation manual) is surprisingly one of the most educational sites I’ve read about this topic since.

Calendar watership planner for mac